2022 was the year the Chiefs were able to truly get back into the community and help make a difference in Chilliwack.
“In our organization, we are not only developing hockey players, but our goal is to help develop great human beings. I’m very proud of the way our players and staff are always happy to step up,” said Team Governor and Vice-President, Business Operations Barry Douglas. “We are proud to represent a great community like Chilliwack and we strive to make sure Chilliwack is also proud of us.”
With restrictions easing, one of the first things the Chiefs were able to get back to was our beloved “Read with the Chiefs” program. Players had the chance to visit classrooms across the city to read a book, answer questions, and play some floor hockey.
With major support from Shaw and our fans, we were able to help raise $4,000 for Chilliwack Special Olympics – an organization close to our team’s heart. Every Tuesday night, our players attend Special Olympics Floor Hockey practice to coach and play with the incredible Special O athletes.
Throughout the summer, the club was able to visit some great events around the city. Events included the 150th Chilliwack Fair, Tim Hortons Camp Day, O’Connor Annual Car Show to support Little Heroes Hockey Academy, Chilliwack Special Olympics golf tournament, the Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce golf tournament, the Chilliwack Community Services Youth Reconnect Fest, and many more!
At the start of the 2022/23 season, the Chiefs also got involved with Chilliwack Community Service’s Meals on Wheels program. Once a week players help deliver nutritious meals to individuals who, because of age, illness, or disability, cannot prepare adequate meals for themselves.
The team was also very excited to once again not only host our annual golf tournament for our community and partners at the Chilliwack Golf Club, but we were also able to host our “Kids Golf Tournament”. The tournament had our players spend an afternoon playing a round and eating lunch with kids at Mount Cheam Golf Course.
Since the beginning of the new season, our players have also spent many hours helping to bag groceries at Save-on-Foods, fit players from Little Heroes Hockey Academy with new gear, carve pumpkins with our Kids Club, helping Chilliwack Minor Hockey at practices and events such as the Pewee Jamobree Skills Competition, and more. For the holiday season, they’ve also sung carols at Waverly Seniors Village, rung the bells for the Salvation Army kettles program, and organized donations for the local “Adopt-a-Senior” program.
Because of our incredible fans, the Chiefs organization has also been able to collect many donations during games – including warm clothing for the Ann Davis Transition Society, teddy bears and toques for Chilliwack Community Services, and food for the Salvation Army Foodbank. As well, Chiefs fans have been extremely generous to Chilliwack Special Olympics, which runs our game night 50/50, which has allowed the organization to buy new gear and make improvements to their programs.
The Chiefs were also able to donate prizes and tickets to several organizations and charity events such as the Big Red Golf Tournament, Chilliwack Youth Health Centre, Special Olympics Chilliwack, Fraser Valley Child Development Centre, GW Graham grad committee, Casade Christain School, schools across the city, Indigenous groups, and so many more.
The Chilliwack Chiefs are excited to continue to give back and be even more involved in 2023.