The Chilliwack Chiefs have named Skyler Brind’Amour as their team captain for the duration of the 2018/19 season, Head Coach and General Manager Brian Maloney, announced Thursday.
Through the year, assistant captains Brind’Amour, Kevin Wall, Marcus Tesink, and Harrison Blaisdell have organized and led the team but in clinching a playoffs position, Maloney felt it was time to designate a leader. He asked Brind’Amour, Wall, Tesink, and Blaisdell to discuss and decide amongst themselves whose name to put forward.
After receiving his jersey with the captain’s ‘C’ sewn to the front, Brind’Amour said, “It’s an honour to be chosen by my peers to lead our team heading into the final part of our season. I’m looking forward to the challenge.”
Originally from Raleigh, N.C., Brind’Amour joined the team for the 2017/18 season and was an integral part of Chilliwack’s success in the RBC Cup. A 2017 draft pick of the Edmonton Oilers, Brind’Amour has verbally committed to Quinnipiac University for next season.
Off the ice, Brind’Amour is described as a great team player who works hard and never complains how much or how little ice time he is given. He leads by example on and off the ice.
Brind’Amour will make his first appearance as team captain when the Chiefs host the Merritt Centennials, Friday January 25th at 7:00pm at Prospera Centre.